Aku'mai the Venomous

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Main article: Aku'mai the Devourer
MobAku'mai the Venomous
Image of Aku'mai the Venomous
Title <Aku'mai the Devourer's Guardian>
Race Hydra (Beast)
Level 10-30 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Aku'mai's Lair, Blackfathom Deeps
Status Killable

Aku'mai the Venomous is seen during the Aku'mai the Devourer encounter in Blackfathom Deeps.


  • Spell nature acid 01.png Toxic Bile — Fires a ball of venom at a random enemy's destination that does 300 Nature damage on impact and leaves a pool of Toxic Bile.
  • Spell fire felflamebolt.png Venom — Aku'mai spits caustic venom at an enemy, inflicting 300 Nature damage.

Patch changes

External links