Aiding Maldraxxus (Night Fae)

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Night FaeAiding Maldraxxus
Start Blodwyn
End Blodwyn
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Calling Quest
Category Night Fae Callings
Reputation +1,500 The Undying Army
Rewards  [Tribute of the Ambitious]
 [Emblem of Renown]
35x [Valor]


Complete 3 World Quests in Maldraxxus.


Maldraxxus defends us from forces that threaten the Shadowlands, or at least, they once did.

Now they are plagued by infighting and an imbalance in power.

We have few allies there, but those that remain, we must maintain.

Go there, give them aid, and help them reunite the houses such that the armies of the undying may defend us once more.

Without them, we are but one invasion from complete annihilation.


You will receive:

You will receive:
Item maldraxxus paragonchest 03.png [Tribute of the Ambitious] Inv misc covenant renown.png [Emblem of Renown]
Pvecurrency-valor.png 35x [Valor]


Have you aided the forces of Maldraxxus?


We are now one step closer to reforging the army that will defend our worlds. This is a good thing you have done today.

Patch changes

External links