Agents of Order

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Agents of Order

Agents of Order is a lore object located at [35.8, 54.7] on the base of a large statue in the Court of Bones on the southwestern side of the Isle of Thunder. Interacting with the lore object is one of the requirements of the Pandaria exploration achievement  [Gods and Monsters].

Mogu legends tell of an age of golden light, when order was brought to a chaotic world. It is said the mogu walked among the titans with skins of earth. Their numbers were legion, and their only will was the will of their masters.

According to the stories of this age, mogu hands carved the very mountains and valleys of Pandaria herself. Every river, every lake, every mountaintop was sculpted according to a divine plan.

The mogu called their titan master "The Storm." He was their keeper. They were an extension of his will: agents of order, obedient and mighty, forging a new world.

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