Aedelyn Blackmoore

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NeutralAedelyn Blackmoore
No image available
Gender Male
Race Human
Class Warrior
Affiliation(s) Kingdom of Lordaeron
Occupation General and traitor
Status Unknown (presumed deceased)
Relative(s) Aedelas Blackmoore (son)
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Aedelyn Blackmoore was a general and the father of Aedelas Blackmoore.

When Aedelas was a child, many years before the foundation of the Alliance of Lordaeron, Aedelyn was tried and convicted of selling state secrets (to whom, it was not mentioned), and presumably executed. Aedelyn's treachery was a stain on Aedelas' future career during the Second War, a career fueled by consumption of alcohol. Despite being the "son of a traitor", the younger Blackmoore earned himself the rank of Lieutenant General, and the position of overseer of the internment camps holding the captive orcs, for his service.

Upon suggesting a surprise inspection of Durnholde Keep to his father, King Terenas, Prince Arthas Menethil wished to make certain that Aedelas was not hoarding the funds for the camps' maintenance, and that he would not go the route of his father (which, of course, he eventually did).[1]
