Advanced Runecarving

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NeutralAdvanced Runecarving
Start Grand Master Siegesmith Corvus
End Grand Master Siegesmith Corvus
Level 98-110 (Requires 98)
Category Artifact
Class Death knight Death knight
Experience 15,050
Rewards 15g 40s
Previous N Death knight [98-110] Keeping Your Edge
Next N Death knight [10-45] Plans and Preparations


Use the Soul Forge to empower your Artifact.

  • Use the Soul Forge to imbue your artifact


Corvus has been working for years to improve the forges. This weapon will be the perfect demonstration of their new design!

We can take your artifact to the forge and shape it to make use of the soul power it contains, provided you've fed your weapon enough souls first. Let's give it a little try, eh?


You will receive:

  • 15g 40s
  • 15,050 XP


Your weapon has much untapped potential. Come back once you've fed it more souls.


Oh yes... that will do nicely!

Return after you've fed your blade another feast of souls and we will make it the most powerful weapon that's ever existed!


Patch changes

External links

es:Misión:Talla de runas avanzada