Admiral Taylor (Horde)

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HordeAdmiral Taylor
Start Lady Claudia
End Admiral Taylor
Level 30-40
Category Spires of Arak
Experience 18150
Rewards Item level 560 weapons
27g 60s
Previous H [30-40] I See Dead People
Next H [30-40] Surviving in a Savage Land
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [30-40] Admiral Taylor.


Find Admiral Taylor at Admiral Taylor's Farm.


Admiral Taylor had figured out who was behind all this. He told us to save who we could... he wanted to handle matters himself.

We never heard from him again, but we have our orders.

Please... please find him. He went towards the farm.


You will receive one of:

Item level 560 weapons
Inv shield draenorguard b 01 a alliance.png [Admiral Taylor's Shield] Inv sword 1h draenorcrafted d 01 b.png [Admiral Taylor's Ceremonial Sword]
Inv sword 36.png [Admiral Taylor's Cutlass] Inv mace 1h pandung c 01.png [Admiral Taylor's Keg Tapper]
Inv sword 2h draenorcrafted d 01 b.png [Admiral Taylor's Greatsword] Inv weapon bow 16.png [Admiral Taylor's Hunting Bow]
Inv knife 1h pandariatradeskill c 01.png [Admiral Taylor's Boot Knife] Inv polearm 2h pandariaquest b 01.png [Admiral Taylor's Glaive]
Inv staff 2h pandung c 01.png [Admiral Taylor's Staff of Wisdom]

You will also receive:

  • 27g 60s
  • 18150 XP


From one commander to another... thank you.

We've faced off on the field of battle so many times. Vashj'ir... the Jade Forest... Lion's Landing...

I am glad I could end my journey with such a worthy adversary.


Head south out of the wall to Admiral Taylor's Farm. There, Admiral Taylor and a whole bunch of dead workers/villagers are in the field. Taylor's spirit is strung up on some kind of necromantic structure in the middle of the field.

Admiral Taylor yells: Hero, help me down from here. We don't have much time!
Admiral Taylor says: Ephial betrayed me. He slaughtered my men and turned them against -
Ephial says: You have heart, Taylor. I'll give you that.
Ephial says: I suppose there's not much point in disguises any more.
Ephial transforms from a standard male human to a necromancer model!
Ephial says: Now, Admiral, it is time to finish what I started.
Ephial casts a spell, and all of the dead corpses in the field start flying about, circling closer to Taylor's spirit. They combine to form Soulscythe!
Ephial yells: Rise, and carry out my will!

Aggro it:

Soulscythe says: I will tear you and your garrison apart.

At 20%:

Soulscythe says: A soldier's duty... is never done.

Finish it off:

Soulscythe says: Your time... will come.
Ephial says: Very well. I'll finish you myself.

At 50%:

Ephial says: I turned the Admiral's "followers" against him. Perhaps I shall pay your garrison a visit next?

Finish him off:

Ephial says: The dark one promised me so much... if I succeeded...
Admiral Taylor says: You've done it. We are free!

Taylor's spirit survived, somehow. Turn in to it.

This completes the "Admiral Taylor's Garrison" chapter of Between Arak and a Hard Place (Horde). There are a few other chapters of the Spires of Arak storyline still available.


  1. A [30-40] Old Friends / H [30-40] What's Theirs is Ours
  2. B [30-40] I See Dead People
  3. N [30-40] A Parting Favor
  4. N [30-40] A Piece of the Puzzle
  5. N [30-40] Second in Command
  6. Complete both:
  7. B [30-40] Admiral Taylor
  8. A [30-40] Honoring a Hero / H [30-40] Surviving in a Savage Land
  9. A [30-40] For Old Time's Sake

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