Achievement point

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An achievement point is a unit that accumulates based on different types of achievements. There are currently no plans to allow spending them on anything.[1] It is helpful to think of the points like the score at the end of a game - no one asks what the players will spend their points on after the game, it's just a measure used to determine who won. Feats of Strength and Legacy achievements don't have achievement points. The total number of achievement points can be found at the top of the achievement user interface.

Guild achievements award its own separate achievement points.

Type of shields

Each achievement has a shield attached to it and can be used to determine if it contains points or not.

Shield Guild Shield Description
Ui-achievement-progressive-shield.pngUi-achievement-shields.png Ui-achievement-guild-shields.png Will have points, with the number displayed on the shield.
Ui-achievement-progressive-shield-nopoints.pngUi-achievement-shield-nopoints.png Ui-achievement-guild-shield-nopoints.png No points, usually a Feats of Strength or Legacy achievement.



  1. ^ Tigole 2008-09-28. Achievment rewards, NYI or not coming?. Archived from the original on 2008-09-28.