Abyssal Shatter

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Spell shaman spectraltransformation.png

Abyssal Shatter is a trade skill that allows the enchanter to break down an  [Abyss Crystal] into a random amount of  [Infinite Dust] or  [Greater Cosmic Essence].


The recipe is taught by any Northrend Enchanting trainer at skill level 445.

Required Tools:
Inv rod enchantedeternium.png [Runed Eternium Rod]
Inv enchant abysscrystal.png [Abyss Crystal]
Creates (random amount of either):
Inv misc dust infinite.png [Infinite Dust] Inv enchant essencecosmicgreater.png [Greater Cosmic Essence]


Initial testing on European servers showed procs of 2-6  [Greater Cosmic Essence] or 7-14  [Infinite Dust] per shatter.[1]

Patch changes

  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Hotfix (2009-09-30): A new enchanting recipe, Abyssal Shatter, is now available on enchanting trainers.
Blizzard Entertainment Bornakk further commented, "The reason why you may not currently be seeing this recipe is that it requires the server to be restarted to become active. We expect this to be live on all US realms no later than next Tuesday, October 6, as that is when the next scheduled maintenance is set to occur." (Source)


  1. ^ Boubouille 2009-09-30. Abyssal Shatter Hotfixed to Live Servers!. Retrieved on 2009-10-05.

External links