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Abbendis refers to a human family of Lordaeron.


After Alexandros Mograine's murder, High General Abbendis became one of the founders of the original Scarlet Crusade. Abbendis later dies fighting an assault of the Scourge on Hearthglen. His daughter, Brigitte, heard what she thought to be the Holy Light whispering to her causing her to gather the remnants of the Crusade, renamed it the Scarlet Onslaught and sailed for Northrend, in hope to defeat the Lich King. There she encountered the long time lost Admiral Barean Westwind.

Known members

Name Spouse Notes Status
IconSmall Human Male.gif High General Abbendis Unknown One of Alexandros Mograine's commanders during the Second War. Deceased
IconSmall Human Female.gif Brigitte N/A Daughter of the High General, she is one of the founders of the original Scarlet Crusade. Deceased - Killable
IconSmall Undead Female.gif Lynnia N/A Undead member of the Scarlet Crusade. Killable