A Show of Good Faith

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NeutralA Show of Good Faith
Start Kokorek
End Kokorek
Level 65 (Requires 65)
Category Terokkar Forest
Rewards 66s
Previous N [65] Seeking Help from the Source
Next N [65] The Final Reagents


Bring Mug'gok's Head to Kokorek in Veil Lithic.


I'd like to propose something of a trade: demonstrate your good intentions by helping me resolve a little problem, and I'll help you rescue your comrade.

The ogres are an ancient enemy of my people, and lately they have begun to filter back into our forest from the grasslands of Nagrand.

One particular ogre, Mug'gok, is quite an adventurous fellow, but none too bright. He goes back and forth between causing trouble for his friends at the Bleeding Hollow Ruins and trying to provoke us.


You will receive:

  • 66s


  1. A [65] Prospector Balmoral or H [65] Lookout Nodak
  2. N [65] Scouting the Defenses
  3. N [65] Seeking Help from the Source
  4. N [65] A Show of Good Faith
  5. N [65] The Final Reagents
  6. N [65] Primal Magic
  7. A [65G] Rescue Deirom! or H [65G] Rescue Dugar!

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