A Plague Upon Thee (Alliance 2)

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AllianceA Plague Upon Thee
Start Nathaniel Dumah
End Termite Barrel
Level 55 (Requires 48)
Category Western Plaguelands
Experience 4050
Previous A [55] A Plague Upon Thee
Next A [55] A Plague Upon Thee


Find someplace suitable in the center of the Northridge Lumber Mill in Western Plaguelands to place the Barrel of Plagueland Termites.


Now that we have the termites, take this steel reinforced barrel to the Northridge Lumber Mill south of Hearthglen—you'll find it to the west of the road that leads you up to the town.

Once there, place the barrel in the center of the lumber mill; find someplace suitable, like on a crate and then open it. The termites should do their work from there and make the mill useless to the Crusade.


You will receive:


The termites are obviously getting restless as you place the barrel on top of the crate.


  1. A [55] A Plague Upon Thee
  2. A [55] A Plague Upon Thee
  3. A [55] A Plague Upon Thee

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