A New Adventure Awaits (Horde)

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HordeA New Adventure Awaits
Start Automatic
End Automatic or
Level 59
Category Special
Experience 1,000
Rewards 2g 55s 5c
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [59] A New Adventure Awaits.


Return to Orgrimmar to embark on a new adventure. Chromie's magic will run out when you reach level 60, returning you to Orgrimmar.


<Name>! You're needed in the present. Things have... well, you should just come back to see.

I would finish what you're doing then head back. I can't keep you in the past for much longer!


You will receive:

  • 2g 55s 5c
  • 1,000 XP


Welcome back to the present! There's a lot you have to do.


  • Entering Orgrimmar will automatically return you to the present, even if you don't use  [Chromie's Scroll] to get there.
  • This quest originally appeared in the Shadowlands beta, but didn't make it to live servers until phase 2 of the Dragonflight pre-patch. When it was implemented, its starting level and objective text were updated to match the new level range of Timewalking Campaigns; while the campaigns ended at level 50 in Shadowlands, they end at level 60 in Dragonflight.
On pickup
Chromie says: I hope you enjoyed your time living in the past, but we need you back in the present <name>!

Patch changes

External links