A Matter of Stealth

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NeutralA Matter of Stealth
Level 50-60
Type World Quest
Category Ardenweald
Experience 9,450
Reputation +125 The Wild Hunt


  • Obtain Disguise from Amberfoot
  • Fallen Sylvar Enraged (6)


Droman Aliothe says: The Drust have turned my people into mindless beasts! Work with my ally Amberfoot to defend Ardenweald.


You will receive:


Droman Aliothe says: Though it comes at great cost, the balance must be restored. Thank you.


Location: Crumbled Ridge, Ardenweald.

Approaching Amberfoot
Amberfoot says: Hey! Over here!
Speaking with Amberfoot
Keep out of sight! The Drust are crawling all over the place, <name>! Literally, crawling! They're up to something, something big and we have to stop it!
Okay, here's the plan. The Drust have a bunch of sylvar defiled with those weird masks. The poor dears are completely under the Drust's control. There is no saving them, but we can still use them.
See this flower near me? It's a Dire Rose. No, don't touch it! Dire Rose pollen is dangerous, makes sylvar go crazy and violent till they pass out. I'll use some of my magic to disguise you as a common Ardenmoth. Get some of the Dire Rose pollen, sprinkle it on the defiled and cause some chaos.
No way this could possibly go wrong!
Well, you ready?
Gossip I'm ready for the disguise.
Amberfoot says: Keep away from the Drust while you retrieve pollen from the Dire Roses. Sprinkle the pollen upon the Defiled Sylvar to send them into a rage. Hopefully that'll be enough to disrupt whatever the Drust are up to.

The player receives the Fae Shroud buff and is transformed into an ardenmoth. Clicking on a Dread Rose Bush provides Dread Pollen buff that activates the Shake it off! ability. Avoid Blighted Hunters.

  • Fallen Sylvar says: That scent on the wind... rose?
Fallen Sylvar says: Hate... HATE! HATE!!!
  • Fallen Sylvar says: This scent...
Fallen Sylvar says: Blood... MUST HAVE BLOOD!!! AAAUUGGHHHH!!!!
  • Fallen Sylvar says: What is this sickly sweet scent?
Fallen Sylvar says: Angry... SO ANGRY!
  • Fallen Sylvar says: What is this... AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!
Fallen Sylvar says: Must kill... MUST KILL... MUST KILL!

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