A Lesson in Archaeology

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NeutralA Lesson in Archaeology
Start Gazmolf Futzwangler
End Gazmolf Futzwangler
Level 35-40
Category Nagrand
Experience 14,800
Reputation +250 Steamwheedle Preservation Society
Rewards 14g 60s


Recover the Mysterious Artifact.


As an archaeologist, it's important to make great discoveries and contributions to the field. Why? Because that's how you make a name for yourself!

Even that hack Harrison Jones has a somewhat reputable name. If he can do it, then you can too!

The Highmaul are hiding something big in that cave of theirs and we need to get in there and take it!

Take this teleportation beacon and make your way to the back of the cave. Once you find the relic, place the beacon and my team will take care of the rest!


You will receive:


Great work back there! That's how real archaeology is done!

It's a good thing you came to me to learn the trade, kid. You've got talent and I'd hate to see it wasted on a putz like Harrison Jones!

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