A Jolt of Power

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HordeA Jolt of Power
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Type World Quest
Category Vol'dun
Reputation +75 Voldunai



Akunda says: The ranishu have poisoned my children. They are weak and clinging to life. Use my power to save them, as you have saved me.


You will receive:

You will also receive one of the following:


Akunda says: You wield my power well, <name>.


Beta version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

This was a normal quest in beta.


Use the Blessing of Akunda to revive Stormhide Lizards.


I have you to thank for removing that usurper.

My strength is returning, unfortunately, the damage to my children has already been done.

They are weak and dying. I need you to restore them.

My blessing will give you power over the storms.

Use it to save my children, as you have saved me.

Patch changes

External links