A Few More Charges

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HordeA Few More Charges
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Type World Quest
Category Vol'dun
Reputation +75 Voldunai



Kiro says: That Bilgewater bunch needs to keep the ranishu fed to power their mechs. Help the goblins out. The sooner they're done, the sooner they're gone.


You will receive:

You will also receive one of the following:


Kiro says: I must admit, I admire your work ethic. Nicely done.


After interacting with the Lectric Frequency Modulator, the player is transformed into a Voracious Ranishu with the following abilities:

  1. Ability thunderking lightningwhip.png Roll Dash — Expel electrical energy to dash forward through the air.
  2. Spell nature unrelentingstorm.png Shock Launch — A powerful electrical discharge launches the ranishu into the air.

Use it to role over Ridge Lashers, Cracked Pricklevines, and the Golden Lash to fill up the bar. Avoid Caromzar Cacti which knock the player backwards or throws them a significant distance.

Patch changes

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