A Damp, Dark Place

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NeutralA Damp, Dark Place
Start Ikeyen
End Ikeyen
Level 10-30
Category Zangarmarsh
Experience 10050 EXP (or 2g 40s at level 70)
Reputation +250 Cenarion Expedition
Rewards  [Ikeyen's Pauldrons],  [Mud Encrusted Boots],  [Ikeyen's Boots], or  [Refuge Armor]
2g 70s
Previous N [10-30] The Umbrafen Tribe


Look for  [Ikeyen's Belongings] inside a cave south of Umbrafen. Return them to Ikeyen at Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh.


Soon after I escaped the Umbrafen tribe, I holed up in a cave south of their village. Little did I know that the cave was being fought over by marsh beasts and spore men!

I had to leave in a hurry and left behind a box containing my only worldly possessions.

After managing to sneak out of Umbrafen with my belongings it was terrible irony that I would lose them so soon after. If you're willing to bring them back to me I'll give you one of my very own personal items. What do you say, <name>?


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv shoulder 29.png [Ikeyen's Pauldrons] Inv boots 07.png [Mud Encrusted Boots]
Inv boots 02.png [Ikeyen's Boots] Inv chest plate11.png [Refuge Armor]

You will also receive:


Did you find my belongings, <name>? The cave is not far from Umbrafen, near the border with Nagrand.


My things! They're all here!

I thank you, <name>. As promised, I'll let you pick one of the items for yourself. I don't have much to offer, but my people have always shared what little we have.


  1. N [10-30] The Umbrafen Tribe
  2. N [10-30] A Damp, Dark Place

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