A Bountiful Haul

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NecrolordA Bountiful Haul
Start Chordy
End Rathan
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Weekly
Category Abominable Stitching
Experience 9,450
Reputation +750 Stitchmasters
Rewards  [Superior Parts],  [Salvaged Supplies]


Use Chordy to locate and collect 12 valuable salvage in Ardenweald.


Chordy want to go on adventure! You want to go too, yes?

I scavenge, weapons, armor, and valuable luckydos! Though, luckydos seem to be in short supply these days.

We go to land of tree people! If we search together, we'll find many luckydos!


You will receive:

Tradeskill abominationstitching bodyparts.png [Superior Parts] Inv crate 06.png [Salvaged Supplies]


Did we find anything good?


Where did you find these? They're positively covered in filth!

Ugh, that smell! Here, take this and go clean yourself up.

Criteria of

Beta version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.


Hello, I am Chordy. It's a funny sounding name, but not as funny as, <name>. I can scavenge, weapons, armor, and valuable Luckydos! Though, Luckydos seem to be in short supply here. There are many places we can look, we should work together, see what we can find!

Patch changes

External links