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Sets the current cursor texture.

changed = SetCursor(cursor)


string|nil - cursor to switch to; either a built-in cursor identifier (like "ATTACK_CURSOR"), path to a cursor texture (e.g. "Interface/Cursor/Taxi"), or explicitly nil to reset to a default cursor.


boolean? - Seems to return false when the given cursor string argument was different from the previous one, otherwise returns true.


  • If the cursor is hovering over WorldFrame, the SetCursor function will have no effect - cursor is locked to reflect what the player is currently pointing at.
  • Texture paths may be suffixed by ".crosshair" to offset the position of the texture such that it will be centered on the cursor.
  • If called with an invalid argument, the cursor is replaced by a black square.

Patch changes

Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.1.0 (2009-04-14): Now always returns 1.
WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.11.0 (2006-06-19): Now accepts a nil argument to reset to default cursor.