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GitHub Octocat.png  Townlong-Yak BAD.png  ProfIcons engineering.png  BTNTemp.png C_PartyInfo.InviteUnit TheWarWithin-Icon-Inline.pngDragonflight-Icon-Inline.pngCata-Logo-Small.png + 8.2.5
Wowprogramming.png  BTNTemp.png InviteUnit WoW Icon update.png + 2.0.1, - 8.2.5
BTNTemp.png InviteByName + 1.0.0, - 2.0.1

Invite a player to join your party.



string - The name of the player you would like to invite to a group.


  • Do not prehook this function in Classic Wrath as the LFG/Group Finder uses it directly. Only Secure Hook it.

Patch changes

Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.0.8 (2009-01-20): This function originally accepted unitIds as a possible argument, but was changed in the patch to accept only player names.

  • Code should be updated to use UnitName("unit") instead.

Bc icon.gif Patch 2.0.1 (2006-12-05): Added, replacing InviteByName.

See also