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Added in 4.0.1

Returns info for the selected race's Archaeology artifact.

artifactName, artifactDescription, artifactRarity, artifactIcon, hoverDescription, keystoneCount, bgTexture, spellID = GetSelectedArtifactInfo()


1. artifactName
string - The name of the archaeology artifact being reconstructed.
2. artifactDescription
string - The description displayed on the artifact detail page. Only visible after completion for rare artifacts.
3. artifactRarity
number - The rarity of the artifact, 0 for Common and 1 for Rare.
4. artifactIcon
number (fileID) - The artifact's icon texture.
5. hoverDescription
string - The description shown in the tooltip when hovering over the completed artifact. Not visible before the artifact is completed. Not readily available on function call, see SpellMixin:ContinueOnSpellLoad.
6. keystoneCount
number - The number of Keystone slots this artifact has.
7. bgTexture
number (fileID) - The artifact's background texture.
8. spellID
number - The ID of the spell cast when solving the artifact.

Patch changes

Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Removed firstCompletionTime, completionCount return values (still available through GetArtifactInfoByRace).
Legion Patch 7.3.0 (2017-08-29): artifactIcon and bgTexture return values changed from a string texture paths to fileIDs.
Cataclysm Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): Added.

See Also