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Returns the current quest log index of a quest by its ID.

questLogIndex = GetQuestLogIndexByID(questID)


number - Unique identifier for each quest. Used as each quest's URL on database sites such as Wowhead.


number - The index of the queried quest in the quest log. Returns "0" if a quest with this questID does not exist in the quest log.


This snippet gets the QuestID of the most recently displayed quest in a Gossip frame, then gets the index. Now that we have the index of the quest, we can utilize many of the functions that require a quest index. For example, GetQuestLink() requires a quest index.

local qID = GetQuestID();
local qLink = GetQuestLink(GetQuestLogIndexByID(qID));
print("Here's a link to the quest I'm currently viewing at a quest-giver: " .. qLink);