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Added in 5.0.4

Returns information about a battle pet.

speciesID, customName, level, xp, maxXp, displayID, isFavorite, name, icon, petType, creatureID, sourceText, description, isWild, canBattle, tradable, unique, obtainable = C_PetJournal.GetPetInfoByPetID(petID)


string : GUID


Index Value Type Details
1 speciesID Number Identifier for the pet species
2 customName String Name assigned by the player or nil if unnamed
3 level Number The pet's current battle level
4 xp Number The pet's current xp
5 maxXp Number The pet's maximum xp
6 displayID Number The display ID of the pet
7 isFavorite Boolean Whether the pet is marked as a favorite
8 name String Name of the pet species ("Albino Snake", "Blue Mini Jouster", etc.)
9 icon String Full path for the species' icon
10 petType Number Index of the species' pet type
11 creatureID Number NPC ID for the summoned companion pet
12 sourceText String Section of the tooltip that provides location information
13 description String Section of the tooltip that provides pet description ("flavor text")
14 isWild Boolean For pets in the player's possession, true if the pet was caught in the wild. For pets not in the player's possession, true if the pet can be caught in the wild.
15 canBattle Boolean True if this pet can be used in battles, false otherwise.
16 tradable Boolean True if this pet can be traded, false otherwise.
17 unique Boolean True if this pet is unique, false otherwise.
18 obtainable Boolean True if this pet can be obtained, false otherwise (only false for tamer pets and developer/test pets).


Patch changes

Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.2.0 (2013-03-05): Added 18th return value, "obtainable".
Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.1.0 (2012-11-27): Added isFavorite return value.
Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Added.

See also