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Added in 6.0.2

Returns information about a follower.

info = C_Garrison.GetFollowerInfo(followerID)
     = C_Garrison.GetFollowerInfo(garrFollowerID)


string - a GUID e.g. "0x0000000004CBDB61". Only works for the followers belonging to a character while on that character.
number - an ID e.g. 856


GarrFollowerInfo - Certain information is only returned when using a GUID from an existing follower.
Field Type Description
classAtlas string AtlasID
className string
classSpec number GarrClassSpec.ID
displayHeight number
displayIDs DisplayInfo[]
displayScale number
followerID string|number GUID; can be garrFollowerID
followerTypeID number Enum.GarrisonFollowerType
garrFollowerID number? GarrFollowerID; can be nil
height number
iLevel number
isAutoTroop boolean?
isCollected boolean?
isFavorite boolean
isMaxLevel boolean
isSoulbind boolean?
isTroop boolean?
level number
levelXP number?
name string
portraitIconID number
quality number
scale number
slotSoundKitID number?
status string?
xp number?
Field Type Description
followerPageScale number
id number
showWeapon boolean?


quirk: If an ID is passed instead of a GUID, then followerID will be that ID instead, and garrFollowerID will be nil.

local a = C_Garrison.GetFollowers()[1]
print(a.followerID, a.garrFollowerID)           -- "0x0000000004CBDB61", 856

local byGUID = C_Garrison.GetFollowerInfo(a.followerID)
local byID = C_Garrison.GetFollowerInfo(a.garrFollowerID)
print(byGUID.followerID, byGUID.garrFollowerID) -- "0x0000000004CBDB61", 856
print(byID.followerID, byID.garrFollowerID)     -- 856, nil


  • Dumps a follower by ID.
local follower = C_Garrison.GetFollowerInfo(856)
	classAtlas = "GarrMission_ClassIcon-Priest-Discipline",
	className = "Discipline Priest",
	classSpec = 124
	displayHeight = 0.5,
	displayIDs = {
		[1] = {
			id = 67797,
			followerPageScale = 1
	displayScale = 1,
	followerID = 856,
	followerTypeID = 4,
	height = 1,
	iLevel = 760,
	isFavorite = false,
	isMaxLevel = false,
	level = 35,
	name = "Calia Menethil",
	portraitIconID = 1401872,
	quality = 1,
	scale = 0.69999998807907,

local followers = C_Garrison.GetFollowers()
local guid = followers[1].followerID
--local id = followers[1].garrFollowerID
	classAtlas = "GarrMission_ClassIcon-Priest-Discipline",
	className = "Discipline Priest",
	classSpec = 124,
	displayHeight = 0.5,
	displayIDs = {
		[1] = {
			followerPageScale = 1,
			showWeapon = true,
			id = 67797
	displayScale = 1,
	followerID = "0x0000000004CBDB61",
	followerTypeID = 4,
	garrFollowerID = 856
	height = 1,
	iLevel = 900,
	isAutoTroop = false,
	isCollected = true,
	isFavorite = false,
	isMaxLevel = true,
	isSoulbind = false,
	isTroop = false,
	level = 45,
	levelXP = 200000,
	name = "Calia Menethil",
	portraitIconID = 1401872,
	quality = 4,
	scale = 0.69999998807907,
	slotSoundKitID = 62813,
	xp = 60600,

Patch changes

Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Added.