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GitHub Octocat.png  Townlong-Yak BAD.png  ProfIcons engineering.png  BTNTemp.png C_Calendar.GetEventInfo TheWarWithin-Icon-Inline.pngDragonflight-Icon-Inline.pngCata-Logo-Small.pngWoW Icon update.png + 8.0.1
Wowprogramming.png  BTNTemp.png CalendarGetEventInfo + 3.0.2, - 8.0.1

Returns info for a calendar event.

info = C_Calendar.GetEventInfo()


Field Type Description
title string
description string
creator string? The name of the character who created the event.
eventType Enum.CalendarEventType The type of event as specified by C_Calendar.EventSetType.
repeatOption Enum.CalendarEventRepeatOptions The repeat setting.
maxSize number Usually 100.
textureIndex number? The index of the event's texture in the list returned by C_Calendar.EventGetTextures.
time CalendarTime When the event occurs.
lockoutTime CalendarTime
isLocked boolean Whether the event is locked.
isAutoApprove boolean Whether signups to the event should be automatically approved.
hasPendingInvite boolean Whether the player has been invited to this event and has not yet responded.
inviteStatus Enum.CalendarStatus? The character's current invite status for the event.
inviteType Enum.CalendarInviteType?
calendarType string const CALENDARTYPE
communityName string?
Value Field Description
0 Raid
1 Dungeon
2 PvP
3 Meeting
4 Other
5 HeroicDeprecated
Value Field Description
0 Never
1 Weekly
2 Biweekly
3 Monthly
Field Type Description
year number The current year (e.g. 2019)
month number The current month [1-12]
monthDay number The current day of the month [1-31]
weekday number The current day of the week (1=Sunday, 2=Monday, ..., 7=Saturday)
hour number The current time in hours [0-23]
minute number The current time in minutes [0-59]
Value Field Description
0 Invited
1 Available
2 Declined
3 Confirmed
4 Out
5 Standby
6 Signedup
7 NotSignedup
8 Tentative
Value Field Description
0 Normal
1 Signup
Value Description
"PLAYER" Player-created event or invitation
"GUILD_ANNOUNCEMENT" Guild announcement
"GUILD_EVENT" Guild event
"SYSTEM" Other server-provided event
"HOLIDAY" Seasonal/holiday events
"RAID_LOCKOUT" Instance lockouts