'Borrowing' From the Winterfall

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Alliance'Borrowing' From the Winterfall
Start  [Winterspring Cub]
End  [Winterspring Cub]
Level 15-30
Type Daily
Category Winterspring
Rewards  [Winterspring Cub Whisker]
Repeatable Yes


Obtain 6 pieces of Smoked Meat from either Winterfall furbolg camp in Winterspring and feed them to your  [Winterspring Cub].


Your cub looks at you expectantly. What could it want now?

The little cat licks its lips. It must be meal time again! As the cub's surrogate <father/mother> you're responsible for providing meat until it can hunt on its own.

But what if you let someone else do the hunting? The Winterfall furbolg of Winterspring usually have a lot of smoked meat on hand in both of their camps. Surely, they wouldn't miss a few pieces and your cub would get to try something new.


You will receive:

Inv misc monstertail 03.png [Winterspring Cub Whisker]


Your cub still looks hungry. What's the hold up?


Your cub looks satisfied for now.


  1. A [15-30] Get Them While They're Young
  2. A [15-30] They Grow Up So Fast

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