"Basic" Instructions

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Just the basics.

The "Basic" Instructions is located on the balcony of High Sage Viryx in Skyreach.


"Basic" Instructions

_______ | 0000132
0000017 | #######
0001032 | #######
0000002 | 0012020
0000610 | #######
0000061 | #######
9113824 | ????????????


  • Each hidden number is the product of the numbers above and across it; however, in a twist hinted by the title, each number must be converted from a different base before multiplying.
  • The community discovered final 12-digit number without solving the rest of the puzzle to reach it. 9113824 is already presented in base 10, so the final solution is simply a multiple of it. (But to know which multiple requires being clever, or solving the puzzle.)[1]

Patch changes


See also

External links