Zino "The Shredder" Quickchop

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HordeZino "The Shredder" Quickchop
Image of Zino "The Shredder" Quickchop
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 15-35
Reaction Horde
Affiliation(s) Bilgewater Cartel
Location Quickchop's Lumber Farm, Krasarang Wilds
Status Alive

Zino "The Shredder" Quickchop is a goblin located in Quickchop's Lumber Farm in Krasarang Wilds.



  • The nice thing about trees is they always grow back. This is what you would call sustained income!
  • We got work to do, <class>. This forest isn't going to chop itself down!
  • Don't worry about the trees. It's the circle of life! They grow, we chop 'em down and then we use 'em to build things!
I guess that's less of a circle, and more of a line...
  • I'm thinkin' of opening a lumber depot here.
All these trees just sittin' around waiting to get chopped down. I would be a fool to pass up this opportunity!
  • Deforestation is such a nasty word. I prefer to think of it as clearing the view!
How could anyone see the ocean through all those trees?!

Patch changes

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