Zandalari Troll (object)

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Zandalari Troll banner

The Zandalari Troll banner is in the Orgrimmar Embassy. Clicking it opens a window providing information about the Zandalari troll allied race.


The window
To unlock this race

The Zandalari are a proud people whose origins date back to the early days of Azeroth's history. Their fierce warriors ride dinosaurs into battle, and they possess one of the most formidable naval fleets in the known world.

Racial Traits
[Regeneratin'] — Concentrate to heal yourself rapidly over a short time.
[Embrace of the Loa] — Beseech a Loa, obtaining one of six powerful boons.
[City of Gold] — Discover more gold from creatures.
[Pterrordax Swoop] — Summons a Pterrordax to reduce your falling speed.

Patch changes

External links