Wrath of the Blue Flight (2)

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NeutralWrath of the Blue Flight
Start Haleh
End Jeziba
Level 60 (Requires 57)
Type Group
Category Winterspring
Experience 6600 EXP (or 57s at level 70)
Previous N [60] Wrath of the Blue Flight
Next N [60G] Catalogue of the Wayward


Speak with Jeziba in the Plaguelands. He resides in Andorhal.


It is the arcane that I control and the arcane which will send you to your next destination.

When you are ready, the journey will begin. To the Plaguelands you will go and to Jeziba you will speak.

He is a mortal as wise as the ancients and as patient as the immovable earth. Find him in Andorhal.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 6600 XP (or 57s at level 70)


I am Jeziba, known to many as the Sculptor. What I sculpt, however, are not statues, but heroes.


When you Accept the quest, Haleh 'kicks' you, you go flying off the mountain, teleported to Western Plaguelands, and dropped into Darrowmere Lake at [71, 61].


  1. N [60D] The Matron Protectorate
  2. N [60] Wrath of the Blue Flight
  3. N [60G] Wrath of the Blue Flight
  4. N [60G] Catalogue of the Wayward

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