Wolf Pack Attack

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NeutralWolf Pack Attack
Start Razik Gazbolt
End Razik Gazbolt
Level 10-45
Category Highmountain
Experience 14,800
Rewards  [Critter Hand Cannon]
19g 40s
Previous N [10-45] Critter Scatter Shot
Next N [10-45] Rating Razik


Shoot the Critter Hand Cannon near wolf packs so that they scatter, allowing the packleaders to be singled out.


It's time to attack the pack! I've preloaded the hand cannon. All you have to do is point and shoot.

The critters should survive the blast and hit the ground running. The howlers will be distracted by the critters, allowing you to focus on killing the packleaders.

Happy hunting!


You will receive:

  • 19g 40s
  • 14,800 XP
Inv weapon rifle 41.png [Critter Hand Cannon]


The critter hand cannon is loaded and ready for use! Just aim for one of the packs nearby. The packleaders should be easy to kill once the howlers are distracted.


You made it back without any scratches. It looks like the backfire issue from the last prototype worked itself out.

A few more tweaks and I'd say this hand cannon is ready for mass production. Thanks for the help, <name>.


  1. Optional breadcrumbs to Nesingwary's Retreat: N [10-45] An Offering of Ammo or N [10-45] Rating Razik (if Razik's quests are done first)
  2. N [10-45] Amateur Hour & N [10-45] Note-Eating Goats
  3. N [10-45] Lion Stalkin', N [10-45] Moose Shootin', N [10-45] Bear Huntin' & N [10-45] A Hunter at Heart
  4. N [10-45G3] I'm Not Lion!, N [10-45G3] Moose on the Loose, N [10-45] Scout It Out
  5. N [10-45] That Guy in the Costume & optional breadcrumb N [10-45] Procuring a Prototype (only if Razik's quests have not been done)
  6. N [10-45] Critter Scatter Shot & N [10-45] A True Hunter
  7. N [10-45] Wolf Pack Attack

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