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URL WoWphiles
Type Podcast
Registration Free
Launched September 25, 2009
Maintained by Jason Zimmerman
Status Offline

WoWphiles was a non-official WoW fansite which provided World of Warcraft players with a Blog and Podcast that was focused on entertaining and informing. The site was created by World of Warcraft players who loved the game and wanted to bring the news, strategies, tips, advice and discussions that others were looking for.

The WoWphiles Podcast was also a World of Warcraft Podcast.


The term WoWphile originated in 2009 when the website was launched. The goal was to define the group of people who loved the Warcraft universe without sounding negative by using terms such as "addict".

After examining words in other niches such as Audiophile and Videophile, it seemed a perfect match to call the players who loved World of Warcraft: WoWphiles.

WoWphiles Podcast History

The WoWphiles Podcast debuted on November 25, 2009. The show was instantly met with high praise from listeners and began to rapidly build a dedicated fan base.

Jason and Modem would continue to be the primary hosts, but the show would add some new friends along the way.

Icesnake offered to contribute an addon segment to the show called "Icesnake's Addon Emporium". Icesnake's segment would become a recurring segment on each episode of the podcast. The show would also add a lore contributor named Evinrue who would bring her vast knowledge and love of Warcraft lore to the show in a segment called "Loreducation with Evinrue".

Little known fact: Evinrue was slated to be the original co-host before Modem. Before the show's first episode was recorded, Evinrue announced that she would not be able to record the show due to her conflicting schedule. Jason began to search for a new co-host and it was then that he asked his guildmate Modem if he would be interested in co-hosting.

The show would continue to add new segments, new guests and grow it's fan base as the game evolved and Cataclysm was released.

After several months into Cataclysm however, the hosts saw their in-game guild dwindle as friends left the game and quit raiding. Jason in particular began to have less and less fun playing World of Warcraft and was only logging in during raids. As in-game frustrations continued and real life began to become more and more hectic the show suddenly stopped.

On March 21, 2011 the WoWphiles Podcast released their last show Episode #61. At the time neither Jason nor Modem knew that this would be their last show. They spoke every week and had intended to continue recording.

Jason however, kept delaying the recording of the podcast due to his frustrations with the game and his guild, coupled with the fact he had real life struggles when he lost his job due to his company making "economic cutbacks".

The podcast was delayed for weeks, which would turn into months. Then a year had gone by without the WoWphiles Podcast. There was no formal announcement because there was never a conscious decision made to end the show.

Over the course of the year, Jason and Modem continued to talk about podcasting. They even developed concepts for two new podcasts they considered recording. Neither of those podcasts have yet to be developed.

Fans were noticeably angry and sad that their favorite podcast had disappeared.

The Return of the WoWphiles Podcast

In July 2012 Jason and Modem began to once again discuss the possibility of podcasting. The two hosts had remained friends and talked online frequently over the course of the year they were off the air.

With the announcement of the Mists of Pandaria launch date, Jason began to think about playing World of Warcraft again. He missed playing the game and missed his friends who were still around. The thoughts of playing WoW again led Jason to also consider podcasting again.

For the first time in a year, Jason read the emails and listened to the voicemails from fans of the show. These messages had been sitting in his inbox unopened for a year while he completely avoided the situation.

Jason began to talk seriously about podcasting again and very soon the decision was made for the WoWphiles podcast to make a return.

The date of the first comeback recording was set for August 27, 2012, the day before the release of World of Warcraft patch 5.0.4. The last podcast was Episode #86 on Apr 1, 2013.

End of an Era

On February 4, 2014, Jason announced that Wowphiles was officially ending. He cited changed life circumstances, as well as no longer feeling the way he once had about WoW. Modem also agreed for the same reasons.[1]

Current Team

Jason Zimmerman - Founder/Blogger/Host

Jason is the founder of, primary blogger and co-host of the WoWphiles podcast. He loves all things WoW and especially talking and writing about his favorite video game.

Jacob aka “Modem” - Podcast Co-Host

Modem is a contributing author to the WoWphiles blog and the cohost of the WoWphiles podcast. He is a raid leader, altaholic, and a true WoWphile.

Past Team Members

Evinrue - Podcast Contributer

Evinrue is the voice for the Alliance on the WoWphiles podcast and our resident lore junkie. You can catch Evinrue’s segment “Loreducation With Evinrue” on each episode of the WoWphiles Podcast.

Icesnake Frostfyre - Podcast Contributer, Blog Author

Icesnake can be heard on each episode of the WoWphiles Podcast during his segment Icesnake’s Addon Emporium. Icesnake specializes in providing players with great Addons to try out.

WoWphiles Social Media

Facebook: WoWphiles Facebook

Twitter: WoWphiles Twitter

YouTube: WoWphiles YouTube


  1. ^ The End of a WoWphiles Era (2014-04-04). Archived from the original on 2014-03-18.