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Windows / Linux installation

  • Unzip the contents of the zip into a directory. Probably nowhere near your World of Warcraft directory (it's not an AddOn!). Remember to conserve the directory structure in the zip!
Below, we will assume you put it in C:/wowbench.
Make sure you get version 5.0.(something), as this is what WoW uses
  • Copy config-dist.lua to config.lua.

At this point, you have a working WoWBench, without access to your already-installed addons nor to your configuration files.

You can either:

  • Keep the default configuration files and copy your AddOn over to C:/wowbench/wow/Interface/AddOns.

- or -

  • Edit config-dist.lua to point to your existing WoW directory, player name, etc. It is fairly self-documenting.

MacOS X Installation

Note, I am still working on this, so there may be errors or issues, but I will attempt to update this as I get further. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at: inch on @ana praxis .com (remove the spaces).

You're going to need the Lua 5.02 binaries, I grabbed:

Once you have these downloaded, you'll get 3 files:

  • lua50
  • bin2c50
  • luac50

I created a ~/bin/ directory and then put this directory in my path for easier execution of these files. I also linked luac50 to just lua.

Following this you'll need to create the config.lua file, and you'll also need to modify the wowbench.lua file.


Here are the pieces of config.lua that I changed, and what I changed them to.

This is the setting for wowbench to find all of the necessary WoW files (Interface/AddOns and WTF, etc.) Change this one to your WoW folder, what I have provided below should be the correct location for 99% of the users.

-- The directory where WoW lives (needed for WTF and AddOns folders)
_WOWDIR = "/Applications/World of Warcraft"

Your texteditor of choice, I recommend one having a command line tool. You can use vi, bbedit, textmate, whatever your heart desires really (I chose textmate, which is pretty good on the Mac for Lua files).

-- Editor to use on e.g. editdump()
_EDITOR = "mate"

Pretty straightforward, no? I've changed mine to protect the semi-innocent.

-- Account, realm, character data
_CHARACTER = "char";
_ACCOUNT = "account";
_REALM = "realm";

And finally your command for the Lua compiler. If you have not added it to your path, you'll want to use the full path here.

-- Lua compiler command
_LUAC = "luac50"


Just one change here, you need to change wowbench to recognize the Mac style of application bundles. So I changed line 173 to:

local fil,msg ="/World of of Warcraft");

As a final sidenote, I had to actually disable an AddOn to get the AddOns.txt file to be generated, ymmv.

== Getting started ==