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Start Darla Drilldozer
End Darla Drilldozer
Level 15-30
Category Felwood
Experience 6,550
Reputation +250 Bilgewater Cartel
Rewards 70s
Next H [15-30] Pikwik in Peril


Use Darla's Wisp Magnet to collect 5 Talonbranch Wisps.


Can you believe these worgen here have wisps? The night elves showed them all that druid junk and now they've got their precious little wisps too, giving them all the building material they want without having to harm any precious trees.

If we had those things, we could pull extra wood out of every tree in our site. Free resources, free profit! That's why I've been working on this containment device.

Head to Talonbranch Glade and use it to steal some wisps. Just point and press the button.


Pretty little things, aren't they? I wonder if we can figure out how to make more of them.


You will receive: 70s


  1. H [15-30] A Flare Fight & H [15-30] It's Time to Oil Up
  2. H [15-30] Take it to the Tree & H [15-30] Wisp-napping
  3. H [15-30] Slap and Cap & H [15-30] Is Your Oil Running?
  4. H [15-30] Pikwik in Peril
  5. H [15-30] Turn It Off! Turn It Off!
  6. H [15-30] Fire in the Hole!
  7. H [15-30] Timbermaw Hold (optional breadcrumb to Timbermaw Hold)

Patch changes

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