Whirring Bronze Gizmo (quest)

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NeutralWhirring Bronze Gizmo
Start Rinling
End Rinling
Level 60 (Requires 10)
Category Darkmoon Faire
Reputation Darkmoon Faire +250
Rewards 4 x  [Darkmoon Faire Prize Ticket]


My new booth will be a sight to see, yes sir! A sight to see, and... for a lucky few, to touch!

I can already hear the whirring bronze gizmos singing their song of mechanical rapture as patrons step to my booth and test their skill!

Ah... now I need the gizmos themselves to bring my dream closer to fruition. Please, <name>, bring me whirring bronze gizmos... and Darkmoon Faire tickets will be yours!


You brought the gizmos! Wonderful! Even now I can hear their buzzing, whirring chorus in my mind! Oh, when this booth is ready it will be the wonder of the world, mark me!

Here are your tickets, <name>. And please enjoy your stay at the Faire!



You can only do this quest six times (42 Gizmos) or until you reach 1100 reputation with the Darkmoon Faire. When that happens, you'll be directed to the quest N [60] Mechanical Repair Kits and to N [60] Thorium Widget.

See also Darkmoon Faire quests involving engineered items.

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