Where Are Those Ships?

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HordeWhere Are Those Ships?
Start General Nazgrim
End General Nazgrim
Level 85 (Requires 85)
Category Orgrimmar
Experience 12,850
Reputation +250 Orgrimmar
Previous H [85] Spies in Our Midst
Next H [85] Shadow Hunter Urko'jin


Speak to Overseer Moxx at Zoram'gar Outpost in Ashenvale and kill 6 Night Elf Raiders on the ships outside the town.


With most of our fleet leading the attack on Theramore and engaging the enemy elsewhere, we're going to need more ships to complete our blockade of Kalimdor.

The warchief ordered the shipwrights at Zoram'gar Outpost in Ashenvale to work overtime to meet the demand, but none of the new craft have arrived yet.

Travel there and put the question to their overseer. Tell them the warchief wants his ships!


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