What kobolds are and aren't

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What Kobolds are and aren't

Kobolds are a rat like race that live all over azeroth.

What they aren't

Questions a Kobold might answer

This is what happened when someone last tried taking the candle

"Can I take your candle ?"

"Are you afraid of me ?"

"Could you attack me please ?"

"Would it be dangerous if I set off all this dynamite" (remember, Kobolds are for lighting anything that looks like a candle)

"Does someone need a hug ?"

"What would Goldtooth do ?"

Kobold fashion

Burning wax candles on top of your tender scalps are a hit, remember, fashion is pain.

Ripped clothes are awesome, even awesomer when covered in dirt.

A few missing teeth make you look like a hockey player, everyone loves hockey players.

Let everything be hairy, it's good for the winter.

This page

is a tribute to the What is a Gnoll page