Weakness to Lightning

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HordeWeakness to Lightning
Start Sage Earth and Sky
End Sage Earth and Sky
Level 10-30
Category Borean Tundra
Experience 20,100 or 2g 40s at level 80
Reputation +250 The Taunka
Rewards 4g 70s
Previous H [10-30] Master the Storm
Next H [10-30] The Sub-Chieftains


While weakened by the Power of the Storm, destroy any 15 of the robotic units, except the mechagnomes, in the greater pools area surrounding the Fizzcrank Pumping Station.

Afterward, return to Sage Earth and Sky at Taunka'le Village.


You now have the power of the storm within you. I will give you the means to focus that power and weaken the robots in the pools.

Take this lightning rod. Use it against the robotic creations of the mechagnomes you find within the greater pools area to the west. Do not worry about using it against the mechagnomes themselves; Greatmother Taiga has other plans for them.

Once the robots are weakened by the power of the storm, dismantle them utterly!


You will receive:


Have you unleashed the power of the storm upon those unnatural creations?


With their robotic minions dealt with, it is time for us to move on to bigger prey. Unfortunately, even now I feel the power of the storm waning from within you.

Nevertheless, it served its purpose, and I think that you're more than capable of taking the next step without it.


  1. H [10-30] Ride to Taunka'le Village
  2. H [10-30] What Are They Up To?
  3. H [10-30] Master the Storm
  4. H [10-30] Weakness to Lightning
  5. H [10-30] The Sub-Chieftains

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