We Can Salvage the Seeds

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HordeWe Can Salvage the Seeds
Start Ranah
End Ranah
Level 30-60
Category Vol'dun
Experience 16,450 (at level 110)
Reputation +150 Voldunai
Rewards 19g 40s (at level 110)
Previous H [30-60] Ranah's Wrench
Next H [30-60] The Source of the Problem


Plant 8 Thistlevine Seeds in Fertile Soil within the Withering Terrace[sic].


I've studied the flora within the terrace extensively. Once a thistlevine completely dries out, it's too late for the plant to be saved.

Its seeds are still viable, however. Under the right conditions, they can be used to cultivate new, healthy thistlevines.

Salvage seeds from the carnivorous thistlevines that can no longer be saved, and plant them within the fertile mounds of dirt.

The thistlevine plant is extremely quick to sprout, so the terrace should be filled with seedlings in no time!


You will receive:


Thistlevine seeds need three things to thrive: water, fertile soil, and lots of sunshine.


Look how much you've helped bring this place to life! You've got quite the green thumb.


Pick up H [30-60] Let it Flow and H [30-60] Wither Without Water before embarking. Kill Carnivorous Thistlevines and Carnivorous Seedlings and loot them for their Thistlevine Seeds, then plant those in piles of Fertile Soil across the terrace, causing Thistlevine Seedlings to spring up.


  1. H [30-60] Ranah's Wrench
  2. H [30-60] Let it Flow & H [30-60] We Can Salvage the Seeds & H [30-60] Wither Without Water
  3. H [30-60] The Source of the Problem


Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

  • During the beta, the description said: "Once a thistlevine begins to sprout petals, it is too late for the plant to be saved."

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