Warding the Walls

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HordeWarding the Walls
Start Horde Hoodoo Master Fu'jin
End Horde Hoodoo Master Fu'jin
Level 25-30
Type Weekly PvP
Category Wintergrasp
Experience 22,050
Rewards 16 Honor Points
7g 40s (+13g 23s at level 80)


Hoodoo Master Fu'jin at Wintergrasp Fortress wants you to retrieve 10 Enchanted Alliance Breastplates at the Glacial Falls.


Hey 'mon. This place be givin' me dah heebie jeebies, don't cha know?

Way too many spirits haunting dis place. I want ta be placing hoodoo wards up, but I be needin' some souls, mon. Not any soul though, only da soul of a strong warrior could do da job.

The Glacial Falls in east Wintergrasp be havin' dem special properties to extract da soul. Slay the Alliance there, mebbe they be havin' the stuff we need.

Bring back da armor of the slain. If there be no Alliance maybe da elementals got 'em, mon.


7g 40s 16 Honor Points (+13g 23s at level 80)


Did ya bring da armor, mon?


Ooh, ya dats da stuff, mon!


Upon accept
Hoodoo Master Fu'jin says: The Glacial Falls be to the east, mon. Bring back da best armor ya be findin'. Those Alliance won't know what hit 'em.

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