Wake The Sleepers

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Night FaeWake The Sleepers
Start Teendynneetll
End Teendynneetll
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Daily
Category Covenant Sanctum
Reputation +750 Court of Night
Rewards 25g 74s


Awaken 8 Slumbering Souls.

  • Slumbering Souls woken (8)


The land speaks to me, <name>. Ardenweald is a realm of cycles, but it has never faced an anima drought such as this.

We will need the aid of all who reside here if we are to make it through this crisis.

Many souls slumber within the forests and hills. If they can provide us some of their anima, we may be able to endure a little longer. Should you encounter any of the souls in your travels, please awaken them and send them to me.


You will receive:


Were you able to find any Slumbering Souls?


This dew will help our craftmasters a great deal!

Thank you, little one.

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