WANTED: Kil'uun (Horde)

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HordeWANTED: Kil'uun
Start Beastmaster Tagh
End Beastmaster Tagh
Level 20-40
Category Talador
Experience 17,980
Rewards  [Teroclaw Talon]
 [Talador Hunting Rifle]
 [Teroclaw Nest Branch]
 [Teroclaw Feather Necklace]
 [Auchenai Keeper Cord]
 [Talador Spellbarrier]
26g 80s
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [20-40] WANTED: Kil'uun.


Hunt Kil'uun and bring its beak to Patrick Messer.

Suggested players: 3


It's that damned bird!

Every few hours, this blasted thing flies right past here, and none of these idiots will stop it.

"It's got the crazy in its eyes," they tell me. Pah!

Commander, this bird will be the end of me. If you see it, could you cut off its stupid head and give it to me?

It'd make me feel better.


If you decide to kill that creature, I will name my first-born in your honor.


Praise to <name>! For the Horde!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv hand 1h draenorquest95 b 01.png [Teroclaw Talon] Inv firearm 2h rifle draenorquest b 01.png [Talador Hunting Rifle]
Inv offhand 1h draenorquest95 b 01.png [Teroclaw Nest Branch] Inv misc necklace 6 0 040.png [Teroclaw Feather Necklace]
Inv belt cloth draenorquest90 b 01.png [Auchenai Keeper Cord] Inv shield draenorquest b 02.png [Talador Spellbarrier]

You will also receive: 26g 80s


  • 17,980

External links