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WANTED: Commander Sarj'eth (Horde)

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HordeWANTED: Commander Sarj'eth
Start Bounty Board
End Seacaller Unow
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Type Combat Ally Quest (3)
Category Nazjatar
Rewards 2x [Prismatic Manapearl], 100x [Nazjatar Ally - Neri Sharpfin]
46g 80s
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [50] WANTED: Commander Sarj'eth.


Retrieve the head of Commander Sarj'eth.


Wanted for attacks against the people of Nazjatar.

Commander Sarj'eth has attempted to enslave many Horde survivors.

He commands slavers in Zanj'ir Terrace. Extreme caution advised!

Upon completion of the mission, report to Seacaller Unow for commendation.


You will receive:

  • 46g 80s


Did the brave commander reach the end of his days?


Sarj'eth was a high-ranking commander among the naga.

These people will sleep better, knowing he is gone.

Patch changes

External links