Void Extract

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NeutralVoid Extract
Start Automatic
End Automatic
Level 110 (Requires 110)
Category Eredath
Rewards  [Void-Purged Krokul]


Gather an Orb of Undiluted Void.


The void calls to its own.

When they are destroyed, powerful creatures of shadow leave behind vast amounts of undiluted void. It's lure is powerful enough to draw out the noxious influence polluting my brethren. Not all survive the purge, but the alternative is worse than death - you've seen the voidscarred roaming Oranaar.

Destroy a powerful agent of shadow, collect its essence, and bring it to me. I will use it draw out the corruption.


You will receive:
Spell priest shadow mend.png [Void-Purged Krokul]

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