Vethan of the Frozen Heart

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Vethan of the Frozen Heart
No image available
Gender Male
Race Naga (Humanoid)
Level Elite

Vethan of the Frozen Heart is a naga that was to be part of the Queen Azshara encounter in the Eternal Palace.


  • Champion's Charge: Vethan is charged with defending Azshara's Ward of Power. If he is ever not within the Ward of Power he will continually inflict 12 Shadow damage to all players.
  • Heart of Ice: Vethan's mere pressence causes all players within line of sight to have their hearts chilled for 3 Frost damage over 6 sec.
  • Chilled Heart: Heart of Ice
  • Frozen Barb: The caster strikes with cold steel, inflicting significant Frost damage. The victim's heart is chilled.
  • Glacial Burst: Fills the target with an immense burst of Frost energy that explodes after 10 sec. , inflicting 40 Frost damage to all players in line of sight. Victims hit by the burst have their hearts chilled.


  • None shall draw me from my charge.

Patch changes

See also

External links