Venture Co. Misadventure

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NeutralVenture Co. Misadventure
Start Debaar
End Debaar
Level 20-30
Category Sholazar Basin
Rewards 6g 20s
Next N [20-30] Wipe That Grin Off His Face


Debaar at the Nesingwary Base Camp wants you to kill 15 Venture Company members. You may kill either Venture Co. Ruffians or Venture Co. Excavators.

  • Venture Company members killed (15)


Ever since we arrived, the Venture Company has hampered our efforts to secure our campsite and survey the area. Normally, we wouldn't care what they were up to, but they've started antagonizing our scouts and shooting down supply flights.

We can't allow this insult to stand. Hemet Nesingwary's expedition came here to hunt, and hunt it shall.

Go to Swindlegrin's Dig, on the far side of the crystal pillar to the northeast, and kill any Venture Company employee you see!


You will receive: 6g 20s



That should hamper their operations, but I worry that the foreman will try to bring in more workers. We have to complete the job while we can.



  1. N [20-30] Venture Co. Misadventure
  2. N [20-30] Wipe That Grin Off His Face

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