Vengeance Point (quest)

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NeutralVengeance Point
Start Heidirk the Scalekeeper
End Izal Whitemoon [49.6, 21.0]
Level 45
Category Broken Shore
Experience 8,230
Reputation +75 Armies of Legionfall
Rewards 100 Nethershard
9g 70s
Previous N [45] Aalgen Point


Defeat the Legion siege on Vengeance Point and report to Izal Whitemoon.


On my way here, I ran across a squad of demon hunters headed northwest to Vengeance Point. You can bet the Legion will try to stop them from establishing a forward position.

I spoke to an elf named Izal Whitemoon. Not the friendliest sort, but I'm sure she'd be grateful if you lent the Illidari a hand... whether she admits it or not.


You will receive: 9g 70s
Inv datacrystal01.png 100x [Nethershard]


This siege is disabling my bats from their scouting duties.


The Illidari don't waste time on congratulations. There is more to do, and you're the one to do it.

Get a move on.


Once completed the position of the Sentinax will be unlocked for the Broken Shore map.


  1. N [45] Armies of Legionfall
  2. N [45] Assault on Broken Shore
    1. N [45] Legionfall Supplies
    2. N [45] Begin Construction
    1. N [45] Aalgen Point
    2. N [45] Vengeance Point
  3. N [45] Champions of Legionfall
  4. N [45] Shard Times
  5. N [45] Mark of the Sentinax
  6. N [45] Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
  7. N [45] Intolerable Infestation
  8. N [45] Relieved of Their Valuables
  9. N [45] Take Out the Head...
  10. N [45] Championing Our Cause
  11. N [45] Strike Them Down

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