Veilwing Soul (quest)

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Night FaeVeilwing Soul
Start  [Veilwing Soul]
End Lady Muunn
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Ardenweald
Rewards Veilwing Soulshape


Bring the Veilwing Soul to Lady Muunn in the Heart of the Forest.


<Graceful, dangerous, powerful. No creature in Ardenweald is more respected for its fierce defense of its family or territory than the veilwing.

You have defeated a foe who endangered not only Ardenweald, but all of the Shadowlands. For this, Champion of Ardenweald, you have earned a special boon - the ability to call upon the essence of the veilwing and take their shape.>


You have shown rare bravery, <name>. For this the forest recognizes you. Let all know your ferocity in defending our borders, and the love you have for our charges.

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