User talk:Xavius69025/Demon Hunter

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You know what the say about minds...

They think alike. I have recently recognised this as the most valid choice for a new heroic class, whenever it may come :)

However, I would suggest that when talking about Blood Elven Demon Hunters you make more of a point about the race being descended from Night Elves and thus retain thier aptitude for the craft. Also they could use Demons as a source to sate thier lust for arcane magics (sort of like the Illidari Felblood elfs, sometimes found in the Throne of Kil'jaden in Hellfire Peninsula. Even further talk about how the race has been widely corrupted by fel magic already at large (Kael'thas Sunsrider's deception) and thus they have demonic energies already in thier bodies. Just some suggestions :)

I approve of this. Extractum Paladin-General of Stormwind 19:33, 19 December 2010 (UTC)