User talk:Shadowsaber9173

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Yeah hi! I just wanted to point out some bad things in your idea, For example. Blood mages, Good idea but they are usually former mages of the Kirin Tor and when they become blood mages they stop giving a dam about Frost and Arcane, and they just use Fire. Don't know why you took Shadow since any mage don't use Shadow. I don't really get how Witch Doctors can be tanking since they are using mostly magic like Mages or priests. And how can Stealth be the name of a Tanking spec? And the Farseers is just a horrible class idea.. I mean if they just get the same as a Shaman but better, Shamans will be worthless in the Horde. MORE CLASSES for the new Races

Better things: Pandaren will most likely become a Alliance race yes. I see why you think that the Worgens would become an Horde race since that worgens are usually savage creatures like most of the Horde..